Express Tanning & Beauty Online Store
MK & Aylesbury Salon
All Purchases made on this site will be added to your chosen salon under your name once complete.
Our online store has been designed to make the browsing and purchasing of all your tanning & beauty treatments easy and convenient, any time of day. The process couldn't be any simpler: once you've decided on which treatments to pamper yourself with, just add them to your basket. At the checkout, select the salon you'll be visiting (i.e. Aylesbury / Milton Keynes), and your treatments will be added, under your name, to our in-store computer, ready for you to use at your convenience; just give us a call to arrange a time & date or book online @
MILTON KEYNES: 01908 520840 | AYLESBURY: 01296 393311
Opening Times
Tue - Fri 10.00am - 7.00pm Sat 10.00am - 5.00pm
Closed Sunday & Monday
T & C Apply