Radio Frequency Skin Tightening

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening reduces Facial Wrinkles, helps lift sagging Skin, tighten`s and helps reduce Cellulite. Radio Frequency Facial Skin Tightening is a popular procedure for both men and women.

Radio frequency Skin tightening uses advanced radio frequency (RF) technology to treat wrinkles non-invasively. The treatment’s effectiveness in tightening loose skin, promoting healthy collagen production and improving contours, tighter, smoother skin, rejuvenated skin firmness with the toned look.

Radio frequency can be performed the same day as a consultation, it can be a single treatment or included in the Geneo facial or Guinot facial it is best to treat the area for 6x weekly sessions however one treatment will carry on working on the skin for 3months.

The beauty of these non-invasive procedures is their ability to treat loose skin without the risks and downtime associated with surgery, safely and effectively treat sagging skin on the face, eyebrows, jowls and neck.

Radio Frequency has an immediate effect by tightening the skin, heating the dermis stimulates the area to produce collagen, boosting a healing response. This acts as a new deep foundation for the skin.

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Geneo + (4- in -1) Super  facial with Tri Pollar Radio Frequency - 1 Hour
Geneo + (4- in -1) Super  facial with Tri Pollar Radio Frequency  Once purchased pl..
Based on 1 reviews.
Geneo Facial (4- in -1) Super  facial with Tri Pollar Radio Frequency
Geneo + (4- in -1) Super  facial with Tri Pollar Radio Frequency Course of 6 treatments ..
Based on 2 reviews.
Guinot Hydraclean 30mins Facial + 30mins Radio Frequency
Guinot HYDRACLEAN 30min Facial with Radio Frequency Once purchased please visit www..
Guinot Hydraclean 45mins Facial + 30mins Radio Frequency
Guinot HYDRACLEAN 45min Facial with Radio Frequency Once purchased please visit www..
Based on 1 reviews.
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